Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why I Love my BlackBerry

So back in February, I got a BlackBerry, and frankly, I don't know what I would do without it. Being able to get my e-mails instantly without my computer, check up on the latest FMyLife posts, and play Bubble Popper all day long! I wondered, where had this technology been all my life?!

There are a just a few reasons why I love my BlackBerry oh so much:

1) Getting e-mails and being able to reply instantly. I don't know what I would be able to do do without it. It seems like I'm getting a new e-mail every 5 minutes that needs my immediate attention. But never fear! I can be in touch no matter what, and I will always get back to you.

2) All those awesome applications. Now, it may not be like the iPhone where there is a new application every second. However, the applications that you can find for your BlackBerry are awesome! I can get the weather right on my phone, check CNN, play games, and Google no matter where I am.

3) It's always there for me. A BlackBerry definitely isn't like a shitty boyfriend. It will always be there for you. Do you need to find something to laugh at? Find your favorite webcomic from anywhere! Need to be occupied? Play Brick Breaker until your eyes bleed. Need to express your feelings? Tweet from your lonely one-bedroom apartment.

Now, be warned. Because a BlackBerry is so entertaining, you may ignore people when it is around. I used to get crap for checking Facebook all the time when I was out to dinner with friends. But hey, you have to make sacrifices, right?

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA I actually lol-outloud.

    An addition to #2 - you can get pandora! super good app!
