Saturday, November 28, 2009

Genius Or Just Plain Grimy?

Recently I read on Mashable that there is a new company out there called MiKandi who has launched its own Android app store with adult only applications... and I'm not joking.

Frankly, I don't know how I feel about this. Hey, if a guy wants to be able to look at porn on his phone, why not? But a phone is meant to be portable. The idea of sitting next to some creep on the T who is avidly looking through his MiKandi apps... not cool.

Why can't we just leave that stuff private? Hey if you like a certain porn star, I'm not going to try and persuade you otherwise. But should this really be allowed outside of our homes into the public sphere?

The commercial (if that's what you want to call it) seems to candy coat the fact that it is a porn app store. They keep referring to it as "adult-only" with cutesy pictures and music. But every now and then, something strange pops up. When you seem someone scrolling through their apps, oh hey look, it's a database of Porn Stars.

MiKandi also claims that they are giving developers a chance to create the apps that they want while still making some sort of revenue.

You know what, MiKandi might be innovative, but it's a little creepy. Hey I don't have a problem with someone liking "adult-only" things, but just don't look at porn on your phone when I'm trying to have a conversation with you.

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